Small Operation 1
Notes on Leo, Pisces and the Prince of Disks
Exploration of reality through the lens of astrology and tarot is, I think, a fascinating way to delve into the mystic and the ways in which the mystic intertwines with not just objects in the sky, but behavior, events, emotions, perceptions and ideas. Is divination using these things possible? I don’t really know, probably not, but a lot of true things were once considered impossible or mere superstition.
As we are reminded in Wilson’s Corollary to Clarke’s Law:
Any sufficiently advanced parapsychology is even more indistinguishable from magic
Elected a small prayer and a card of the day after checking real-time heavenly body positioning using Stellarium (free open source). Feels disrespectful to add much complexity using the cards without a wand/athame, need to create another one soon or I might irritate something. Standard references.
A short study at the moment of a specific snapshot of time: 3/16/22 @2100
Moon in Leo
Targeted star is Regulus. Moon in the western sky close to the horizon.
Sun in Pisces
Targeted star is Alpherg and yes, Pisces is one huge ass fish.
Note planets close by in attendance.
Prince of Disks
The element of Earth coalesced into coherent forms.
Leo, the perfect human specimen, comfortable in their power, a leader and steward. The Sun Ascendant. Uranus (Father of Jupiter) is exalted according to most references.
Represented by key 19 ט Teth “ Serpent” — serpent symbolism is well known
SY Path 19, between Chesed(Mercy) and Geburah(Strength): the Intelligence of all the activities of the spiritual beings, and is so called because of the affluence diffused by it from the most high blessing and most exalted sublime glory
Atu XI: Lust (or Strength) — Whore of Babylon bears the Holy Grail — the devouring mother archetype, reabsorbing all as they transform from living to spirit. Intoxicated with The Feminine Mystery that is the source of everything mystic. Joy of senses and strength exercised. Of the most powerful of the major arcana.
Connects to Demeter (born of lions), also Venus (suppressing volcanic flame ??), Vishnu, Nara-Singh avatar (lion form, destroyer of evil), Ra-Hoor-Khuit(one of the speakers from The Book of the Law), Pasht & Sekhmet(lion goddesses of war), Mau(the cat who is the Sun), (Horus)
Moon influence: The archetypical feminine, emotion, holiness
Impression: The king grows tearful with joy as he is blessed with insight into the nature of life and death imparted to him by The Creator
Emotional, wayward, scatterbrained Pisces. Neptune Ascendant. Venus Exalted.
Represented by key 29 ק Qoph “ Back of Head” — implies rear part of brain or “the potency of the cerebellum” specific to the region anatomically it is where visual stimuli is processed
SY path 29, between Netzach(Victory) and Malkuth(Kingdom): the Corporeal Intelligence, so called because it forms every body which is, formed beneath the whole set of worlds and the increment of them (represents all complex material forms i.e. everything you see)
Atu XVIII: The Moon — The card of Fear and Dread. It is the light created by darkness that illuminates dreams and nightmares. The card of Psalm 23 — Daylight will come again and never really leaves you
Connects to Poseidon, Kephra (the holy scarab, the sun at midnight — Kephra noted as reappearing, with Anubis also mentioned obliquely in previous research of Sirius in Canis Major, which lies in Cancer) also Vishnu, Matsya avatar (fish form, literally the Noah’s Ark story of Hinduism)
Sun influence: Pretty much as Leo above, who personifies the very masculine rational Sun, the opposite of its twin the Moon
Jupiter Influence: Human life and achievement, victory, wise authority. I am not sure how this influence factors in but this seems like a very similar sentiment to those attributed to Leo and the two compliment each other nicely
Mercury Influence: Bringer of the Word, source of music, art, science, closely linked to Jupiter the Wise — also a very beautiful and powerful addition to this sign
Impression: The restless find a moment of calm allowing focus
Prince of Disks (air of earth, Aries -> Taurus)
Rules 4 Wands (Completion) and 5,6 of Disks (Worry, Success)
Strong but quiet personality, practical, calm energy, confident
Impression: The moon influences this card but does not seem to rule its attributes. This Prince feels more connected to the personified Sun personality of Leo and with the influence of the sun in Pisces this aspect would seem to be even stronger, though tempered a little by Pisces’ inner darkness.
Overall seems to point to a specific person, implies a very feminine female, or male with marked feminine aspects — Sensitive, practical, elegant, creative, confident, hopeful, possibly homosexual
Who is she this woman we glimpse? Is she newly birthed? Alive? Dead?
Did we meet her already?
I wonder.
Originally published at on March 18, 2022.