Michael Barbur
Michael Barbur

Hi! This space is where I bring my diary and notes out of the margins and share. I am a palliative care nurse in the Northwest US who reads a lot of books and thinks a lot about the Moon. I started experimenting with tarot cards around 1992-93 and have been studying magick and religions since that time both independently and as an initiate of several diverse temples.

If I write of politics at all it's mostly with disdain, so do not expect much of that sort of commentary here - I'm not peddling anyone's partisan fantasies. I prefer to stay over here with the trees, the dreams, the trashy science fiction and The Art.

I hope you enjoy your time here and welcome any questions you may have.

Email: Frater.SAPortas@gmail.com

Discord: SAPortas#4892

Medium member since July 2024
Michael Barbur

Michael Barbur

My name is Michael Barbur — I write things about books, weird poetry, prose and share various magickal workings from my diary. סאף